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Where Do Black Widow Spiders Live?
Black Widow Spiders are common in our area and can be found in garages, crawl spaces, bushes, foundations and other areas around homes. Indoors, black widows prefer the undisturbed and cluttered areas of garages, basements and crawl spaces. Many people… Read More
Do Brown Recluse Spiders live in Nevada?
The Brown Recluse is fairly common in states in the south central, such as Oklahoma, Texas Missouri, and east toward Florida. While the brown recluse has occasionally been brought into Nevada in household furnishings, firewood, and motor vehicles, it does… Read More

Cleaning up after Rodents
Guide to Cleaning up after Rodent infestations Hantavirus Disease is the most serious disease transmitted by a rodent. Deer Mice are common in our area. Take precautions before and during clean up of rodent-infested areas. First, clean up any urine… Read More
Get on Schedule for Weed Pre-Emergent Applications
It’s Time for Weed Pre-Emergent Applications Weeds have different germinating periods as to what kind of weeds grow. The weather can’t be too cold or windy when applied, so getting on our schedule for timing the service is really important… Read More
Tree Systemic Root Injections Applicatioons
Tree Protection – Systemic Tree Injections WHAT PLANTS CAN BE TREATED? Trees Shrubs, Evergreens, Flowers, Foliage plants, Groundcovers and Interior plant scapes . Works on Birch, Ash, Maple, Pine and many other trees. Proctection From what insects Protects from Aphids,… Read More